Harm diets. What are the dangerous diet?

Вред диет. Чем опасны модные диеты?

Harm diets - is it there? How many and what diets exist? What is a modern diet? How many women each year try themselves with diets? What harm diets are possible from constant attempts to lose weight? How many girls died from the harm of diets in an attempt to lose weight? Why can you grow fat even more than they were before the diet? What are the psychological aspects of harm diets?

Harm diets. How it all began.

Only 20-30 years ago, when studying at a medical institute, the word "diet" was associated only with therapeutic nutrition. There was such a boring subject - diet food, and such a profession, which seemed insanely boring - a dietician. Diets were denoted by numbers and letters, for example, with the aggravation of peptic ulcer the diet "1a" was applied. Or the word "table" was used, especially in sanatoriums, for example, patients with liver pathology were prescribed a therapeutic "table 5". Harm diets then was hardly considered, as all the prescribed diets were curative and, accordingly, useful.

But, in fact, in those days there was already a whole slimming industry, and we had someone limiting ourselves to flour and sweet, and cardiac surgeon Nikolai Amosov - one of the first adherents of a healthy lifestyle - generally taught "to cook tastelessly" so that less there is. But fashion for a lean body came to us from the West later, and captured many. Therefore, it's time to look at the harm of diets differently. Now for most people the word "diet" has a cosmetic connotation, and a dietician is the name of a fashionable and prestigious specialty. It has been estimated that today there are 28,000 different diets, and two-thirds of the world's women try, and sometimes repeatedly, one or more of them. And that the harm diets from such "experiments" can increase at times, women at first and do not suspect.

Harm diets. What approaches exist.

Does it make sense in such a huge number of diets? Well, looking for whom? For manufacturers of numerous additives, cocktails and diet pills, magazines of this direction and culinary directories - certainly, there are, and in many diets it is meant the reception of additional ingredients "to help lose weight." But let's see if the diets really do harm, that is, useful or harmful in themselves diets, even without their subdivision into species and subspecies.

And there are many such species. There is a whole family of so-called "low-carb" diets, which includes the Atkins diet, and the "southern beach" and our modification of the American diet under the significant name "Kremlin" diet. There is also a family of "low fat" diets. Mono-diets - they are supposed to use for a time some one or several products, low-calorie and many-many others. Let's see what approaches exist, and what harm diets are possible.

At once it is necessary to specify two basic postulates on which the modern relation of physicians to diets is under construction.

  • Diets work, and sometimes give a pretty good effect and therefore have many adherents and supporters.
  • Harm to diets is applied from each of them, i. E. all diets are harmful, they just have a different harm and it sometimes appears immediately, and sometimes - in years.

Does not contradict each other? If diets work, then why are they all harmful? After all, a person achieves what he wants, yes, at the cost of some effort, maybe even risk, but without difficulty, as they say ... nothing happens. The matter is that under diets we now mean relatively "short" food schemes - they can last from three days to several weeks. And the harm diets in such situations can be very specific. Diets that need to be observed for longer periods of time will already be a change in the human eating behavior, and if these changes are reasonable, then they are not harmful and can make a person fit and healthy.

However, there are always people with strong will and very strong motivation, which for a long time observe "short" diets, designed for a short period of time. Their fate does not cause admiration - from just the harm done to the health of anorexia and severe, sometimes fatal metabolic disorders. In 1999 alone, 18 000 girls aged 16 to 35 years died from the "deadly" diets - a figure that is often met in the media, probably because of its terrible essence. It is obvious that the harm of diets, which was caused to these girls and its scale in general - make one think. In this regard, in some countries began to sound the alarm - in those where both obesity and diet craze became widespread in the UK, for example. There they banned showing only bad models on television and obliged advertisers of different goods, so that in their videos, if possible, the girls were also photographed "in the body," otherwise the advertisement would simply not be broadcast. After all, according to the new rules, the ratio of skinny and "normal" by weight models should be 50/50.

Harm diets. What is absolutely harmful to all diets?

We will not divide diets into species and subspecies, but let's look at the harm of diets in general.

  • The human body needs constantly all the food components - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals - in certain proportions and quantities. Any diet violates these relationships, the body receives less, and this is always stress. And the harm of diets can manifest itself in this case very specific. Let, as is now accepted, stress is not such a bad thing, but it is frequent and decompensated - it is harmful. In addition, the body learns to deal with stress. And each subsequent, but similar to the previous, the stress is transferred more easily. With respect to diets, this means that by trying the same diet on the second, third visit, we less and less react to it - we lose less weight. Many noticed this.
  • Rigid diets, for example, are very low-calorie, cause the body to slow down metabolism - so it tries to save the life of an individual by "stretching" food for a longer period. Slowing the exchange reaches 20-30% of what was before the diet. But when you return to normal dietary norms, the metabolism is restructured gradually, and the first time low metabolism is saved, and the usual amount of food is stored as a new fat - that's why after the end of even the most successful diet, people often recover not to the initial figures, but even more. Those. the harm of diets in this case is the paradox that the more you diet, the more you get fat, and not lose weight, after this very diet.
  • "Repeated" obesity is more dangerous and harmful than the original because fat is not deposited where it was, but more on internal organs. This is so-called visceral obesity and it threatens with various diseases. Harm in this case is caused to internal organs. Not without reason the main criterion of overweight now is not weight, as such, and not even the notorious mass index, but the waist in centimeters - this indicates the amount of adipose tissue in the abdominal cavity, and this is more important than the actual weight.
  • Sitting on a diet, people often do not take into account not only the state of their health, but also genetic, metabolic features, eating habits in the family - and it is necessary to start with them. Usually a signal to innovations in nutrition is a successful example of a friend or talented advertising in the media. And some (ideally - all) before trying to change the power supply system would need to check the hormonal status and condition of the main organs and systems. Otherwise, the damage to diets can be very tricky. So it turns out - a person with kidney disease "sits down on the silicon", where protein food predominates, not shown to these patients at all - and the diet's harm turns out to be double - the diet "does not stand", as it is intolerable to this person. This leaves a person feeling guilty and ashamed - like any case that did not work out, and the damage to the sick body can be dealt with considerable.
  • Harm diets can be applied to the family budget. Many try to argue with this - but I can say for sure - absolutely any diet observed by one member of the family (not all) leads to an increase in spending on food. And temporary waste is required more - in fact it is necessary to prepare two "sets" of dishes - for everyone and for themselves. Such separate food is always more expensive, besides, the products are often expensive in diets, and their replacement with analogs is considered completely unacceptable. Well, for example, to "start" low-carb diets, if you can not lose weight right away, the so-called "fat post" is recommended. This means that you need to eat for three days in small portions, made from boiled eggs, cheese, nuts and red caviar. Although the set of products seems to be small and the amount is small - it is checked - it will take a lot of money, especially since nobody canceled the purchase of the "core set" for other family members.
  • Harm to diets of any type, besides, consists in disturbance of stable work and stable condition of human organs and systems. Now no one is surprised by the data that the body weight, or rather, the tendency to leanness or fullness is determined genetically. Man, eating the same food, gradually gaining weight over the course of his life, but within a year, for example, this figure is relatively constant. Trying one or another diet, a person for a short time makes the body often and too abruptly rebuilt. It seems to us - well, there was less food, and what? But the harm of diets can sneak up unnoticed! After all, the speed of production changes, and the composition of food enzymes, and the work of the intestine, and even the brain. Earlier we supplied him with glucose, and then stopped. Instead of it went to the expense of the so-called ketone bodies from the split fats (low-carbohydrate diets work according to this principle). The body carefully rebuilds its metabolism under our whims, and we changed our mind in a week - it's hard, it's impossible - and decided to reduce the calorie intake. Again, another perestroika begins - and it is a complex, delicate and, ideally, long-term process. Thus, the harm of diets does not make us wait, and with this attitude to ourselves we get frustration of all functions, even with digestion unrelated. Our poor organism simply does not have time to fly our desires and "forgets" to follow the work of the heart, "forgets" about joints, about immunity, and about the fight against the harmfulness of the environment. He does not have enough strength for everything. And then we wonder - where do we get so many diseases? And the head hurts, and on the weather we react, and our knees do not bend - and we just tried to lose weight!
  • Well, do not forget that the harm of diets is also possible in relation to the human psyche. The possible suffering from failure (and it happens often), the feelings of guilt and shame associated with it, the pain caused by the mockery of colleagues and domestic people, the feeling of their weakness, the inability to "pull themselves together" ("what can I do if such nonsense is not it turns out "). All this is hard experienced and sometimes leads to depression in a greater degree than the very presence of excess weight and associated inconveniences. Therefore, those who really want to be healthy and orderly should try - by themselves or with the help of specialists - to rebuild the "eating behavior", the attitude towards food and get used to it - after all, it will be necessary to live a new life before the end of life. A diet in this case - a temptingly short way, leading to nowhere.