We know the harm of cola, but I want more!

Вред колы нам известен, но хочется ещё!

Harm Cola - does it exist? When, where and by whom were the beverages of the cola type invented and released? Which nut is the basis of the cola's taste? What is contained in the cola and how harmful is the cola from these substances? What happens in the body when a cola hits? What is used in the ring instead of sugar? Why do cola try to serve chilled? Why do so many people like Coke? Does a "hormone of happiness" really stand out from the cola?

Harm of cola. What is the basis of cola?

It would be very difficult, if someone set the goal to write about the benefits of "Coca-Cola" or "Pepsi-Cola." The fact that these drinks are harmful, maybe, do not guess only pupils of a kindergarten. The rest know for sure that there is no doubt that the cola is harmful. And, nevertheless, the use of cola grows on all continents, captures more and more new territories, and in America, where the cola was first invented and produced in 1886, the volume of its sales does not decrease. A paradoxical phenomenon, what can you say! Or maybe people do not stop using cola in convenient bottles and cans, because they do not know the specifics? The cola's harm exists, but in what way is it expressed? There are many rumors, but what is particularly harmful? Maybe a lot of sugar is bad for the figure? But there is a cola-light, unsweetened at all - that's it, probably, everyone can. Or is it not?

There are two companies - Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, which are producing cola all over the world on the basis of drawing from the cola nut, and allegedly competing with each other, and therefore allegedly carefully concealing from each other a terrible commercial secret - the composition of the drink, but from the consumer, of course, the harm of cola itself. More precisely, the composition of the cola is on each pot and bottle, and the secret is exactly that substance, which, in fact, is prepared from the cola nut and is a proprietary component. That's about it in the text of the cola, you will not find anything.

What, after all, can the cola's harm really be caused by the body? A small historical reference. The Coca-Cola that was produced since 1886 by John Stith Pemberton, the founder of the Coca-Cola Company, was distinct in composition from the modern Coca-Cola. And the difference was radical - then the composition of the drink included extracting fresh leaves of the plant - Coca - the same from which cocaine was later produced a drug. At that time, they did not know about the harm of cocaine, and considered it something like ginseng - a stimulant of the brain. And that there is a painful predilection for cocaine - they guessed, but did not know for sure. Later cases of overdose and drug poisoning with cola became more frequent. Therefore, in 1903 the formulation of the drink changed. To prevent the cola's harm was not applied, instead of fresh leaves began to add a hood from Koki, in which cocaine was no longer there. But that substance, which is produced from the cola nut, was not removed anywhere, saying that this is a commercial secret.

Nevertheless, the action of the cola nut is known - it is a soothing agent and, perhaps, somehow balances the caffeine contained in the drink - well, according to the principle of Pavlov's medicine. There was this - bromine with caffeine, and she was treated with neuroses. Selecting the dosages of one and the other, tried to balance the processes of excitation and inhibition in the human brain.

But drinks like cola drink everything, and the state of the nervous system is not taken into account - and this is harmful. There are studies that with prolonged use of cola, it causes potency disorders - on the same principle as the use of bromine (boys are not advised from childhood). In this case, the cola's harm is obvious. There are also documents confirming that Cola nuts were used in the past centuries for the same purposes as bromine in the army units - it was given to the soldiers to calm the sexual feeling, distracting from the battles and soften the absence of women for a long time.

Harm of cola. What happens when we drink Coke?

But let's return to those constituent parts of the cola that are not hidden behind the trade secret. In a drink up to 11% of sugar. It's unhealthy. It's a lot. But here the cola's harm is that you will not find a real sugar, glucose or fructose in the cola. This is an expensive treat, and the drink should be cheap and affordable for everyone. Therefore, sugar substitutes are often used. And they are more harmful than pure sugar, because they give not only calories, but also negatively affect many organs and systems, primarily the liver and pancreas. The most common sugar substitute is aspartame (E951). And in the dietary ring instead of aspartame - cyclamate, a substance in many countries banned as suspicious of carcinogenic properties, so the harmful cola with such a substance in the composition can be very strong.

So, the pancreas first - 10-20 minutes after taking the cola - makes the release of insulin into the blood - in order to sugar or a substitute to recycle. Insulin triggers, among other things, lipogenesis - the process of synthesis of human fat from sugar. A little later, caffeine is absorbed - after 30-35 minutes, the pressure rises, the pulse becomes faster, the most "invigorating" action of the cola occurs (often more pronounced than from natural coffee). This is a stimulant action, because the body uses not any additional sources of energy, but its own reserves, which, as is known, are not eternal. From one bottle a month, perhaps, nothing bad will happen, but if you drink constantly and a lot, then the cola's harm will not take long. And the last in response to the cola reception is the so-called mediator of the brain - dopamine - many now known as one of the three "hormones of happiness" (the other two are serotonin and endorphin). Maybe this is the reason that after reading the cola on the bank is absolutely "chemical" composition, people, like robots, open it and drink it. Nobody's pleasure was superfluous! It's so hard to give it up!

There is in the cola of another component - carbon dioxide, in other words - the same substance that makes water soda. Cola is a highly carbonated drink. Carbon dioxide, getting into the stomach, irritates its walls, causes excessive production of hydrochloric acid, which together or separately can lead to gastritis, ulcers and other more serious troubles. The damage to the cola in this case, in spite of the harmlessness of some gas, can be significant. This, of course, applies, not only to drinks based on cola, but in them is present as well.

And one more interesting point. Of course, the temperature of the cola depends on you, but it is customary to drink cola chilled, and if you do not tell the person who sells it to you in time that you do not need to put ice on, it will certainly be served with ice. By the way, even if you say - they can "not hear" and throw ice. Is it accidental? Of course no. Cold drinks 2-3 times faster leave the stomach than warm or hot - and the signal that "I'm saturated" in the brain is exactly from the stretched walls of the stomach. And the cola's harm is then applied unnoticed. There is no signal - and the person will buy and eat something else, and after leaving the restaurant, will soon return. The feeling of hunger, which occurs some time after a dense dinner in McDonald's, is familiar to many. For some it even gave grounds to assert that in a hamburger or somewhere else mix a certain substance that causes appetite. Yes, there is no need to be wimpy and get involved with some secret component. The role of the causative agent of the appetite after a while play components of cola - insulin in the blood, which stood out for sugar and all was not consumed, which signals a famine, and "slipped by" and taken away the prematurely chilled drink.

And one more, the last component of the cola, about which I would like to say - orthophosphoric acid, used here as a stabilizer, flavor additive together with flavorings - vanilla, clove or lemon oils. This acid is much stronger than hydrochloric acid - try to pour into the toilet bowl a bottle of cola (known to many "funny") and in an hour it will be completely washed from all stains and layers. Of course, the concentration of orthophosphoric acid is not so high that from one-time use cause damage to the cola of the stomach and intestines, but if you drink a lot and often, then the cola's harm in this manifestation can be inflicted very strong. In addition, this acid is chemically extremely active - binds cations - calcium, magnesium, zinc and excretes through the kidneys in the form of appropriate salts. But after all, we need all these macronutrients, they perform a lot of various extremely important functions in our body. Especially pronounced is the excretion of calcium - it begins to wash out of the bones, and then - the softening of bone tissue, called osteoporosis, sleep disorders, heart work, worsening of posture, pain in bones and joints.

So it turned out a holistic, albeit far from complete picture of how bad the cola can be inflicted on a person. Of all the components of the cola, only one was safe - water. So maybe it's better to simply drink clean, non-carbonated drink?