Harm of smoking and the use of nicotine

Вред курения и польза никотина

Harm to smoking - interesting information about nicotine and the composition of tobacco smoke. Is nicotine useful? How many cancers can harm smoking? What dangerous poisons are contained in tobacco smoke? What dose of radiation is received by a person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day? What are the statistical data on smoking-related diseases? How does a smoking person become an invalid?

Harm to smoking. Is nicotine useful?

Why do people smoke? What makes them consciously reduce their lives, day after day experiencing the harm of smoking and poisoning the body? Everyone knows the answer - the power of habit. However, what we call just a bad habit has long been included in the international classification of diseases as "tobacco dependence". The need for such an action was associated with the severe social consequences of smoking, which could reduce the life of a smoker for more than 15 years and show, thus, that the harm of smoking is a very dangerous thing.

The irony is that most smokers (according to statistics, about 70%) consider the nicotine to which they are accustomed to be the main component that is harmful. While the most terrible harm of smoking is not the nicotine, but the combustion products of the tobacco leaf, in other words cigarette smoke. Recent studies of scientists have shown that nicotine in low doses is not only safe, but can even be beneficial to the body. In addition, experiments have shown that people who smoke tobacco have an extremely low risk of developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease; they are much less likely to develop sepsis (blood poisoning), herpetic infection, ulcerative colitis. From this point of view, the harm of smoking seems not so harmful. Moreover, drugs based on nicotine are already being developed, mainly - dermal patches.

Harm to smoking. 15 types of cancer for tobacco smokers.

However, all of the above said does not justify smoking, because in addition to nicotine, a smoker gets about 5,000 harmful substances with cigarette smoke! The most dangerous of them are carcinogens, which contribute to the development of malignant tumors (cancer). Therefore, the harm of smoking caused by these carcinogens is the strongest. To date, about 15 different types of cancer tumors are known to cause smoking. For example, the chances of a smoker getting lung cancer are 15-30 times higher than those of a non-smoker. Cancer of the genitourinary system, oropharynx, esophagus and stomach affects smokers 4-5 times more often than non-smokers.

The sad thing is that a non-smoker who inhales tobacco smoke, which smokers directly exhale (the so-called passive smoking), gets the same carcinogens, only in smaller doses. Unfortunately, the risk of developing cancerous tumors is also increased in passive smokers, including in children. Therefore, the harm of smoking in such a passive way, as simply being in an enclosed space with people who smoke, can be nothing less than active smoking.

Harm to smoking. Table Mendeleev in the composition of tobacco smoke.

Tobacco smoke is rich not only in carcinogens. The harmfulness of smoking is exacerbated by the fact that almost all of Mendeleyev's table can be found in inhaled tobacco smoke: mercury, lead, aluminum, copper and even arsenium (poison). There is also ammonium (used in toilet cleaners), acetone (a solvent for varnishes), DDT (highly toxic insecticide), formaldehyde (a preservative used in morgues), methanol (used in the production of rocket fuel), naphthalene (moth poison), vinyl chloride (plastic). Incredibly strong harm of smoking manifests itself in the fact that all this muck settles daily into the lungs of the smoker, clogs them, and constantly poisoning, causes a lung failure, early disability and premature death.

Harm to smoking. What horrors yet?

Interesting facts were discovered after the discovery of radioactive polonium-210 in the tobacco smoke. The harmfulness of smoking from its use is applied extremely strong. Doctors calculated that a smoker who smokes 20 cigarettes every day receives radiation exposure equal to 300 X-rays of the lungs per year! In practice, Chernobyl at home!

What other troubles can you expect from smoking? First of all, the harm of smoking manifests itself in diseases of the heart and blood vessels. On average, the risk of premature death at the age of 40-60 years from a heart attack in a tobacco lover is three times higher than that of a non-smoker. And this is mainly responsible for high doses of nicotine, and not just the components of tobacco smoke.

Harm to smoking. The person who smokes turns into a vegetable.

If you draw a grotesque picture of a smoker who has experienced the harm of smoking entirely, and he himself has experienced all the harmful effects of smoking, it will be a blind, deaf, bald, wrinkled man (cataract, early baldness, early wrinkles and deafness caused by smoking) with an amputated leg after suffering a thrombarteritis), suffering from dyspnea (emphysema of the lung), covered with scabs and unable to reproduce the offspring (smoking often causes psoriasis, impaired sperm formation, decreased erection). However, such a disappointing picture, fully expressing the harm of smoking, has already drawn the World Health Organization on its website. There you can "admire" the little monster and read the signatures about his illnesses in several languages.

So, the choice is still yours: to smoke or not to smoke? To experience the harm of smoking or not? To draw inspiration from the outside world or from tobacco smoke? Tobacco or health? Life or death?