Harm to smoking. Councils for the refusal of tobacco smoking.

Вред курения. Советы по отказу от курения табака.

Harm to smoking. How many percent of the population in our country smoke tobacco? How many years of life does the harm of smoking take? How strong can a breakdown be when you stop smoking cigarettes? Is it possible to die during the break-up? What is most important in the process of quitting tobacco? Is smoking cessation effective by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked? How to organize the process of smoking cessation? Is the myth true that when people quit smoking cigarettes, they get fatter?

Harm to smoking. Nicotine is a drug in the law!

For sure, every person who smokes cigarettes, at least once in his life, thought about parting with this harmful habitual. And even half of these people tried to realistically realize that the harm of smoking tobacco with every day is getting stronger and honestly trying to quit smoking. And most likely, more than once.

According to statistics, smokers in our country make up 70% of the population. Of course, everyone knows the situation in which the harm of smoking tobacco makes itself felt - it is the burden on the heart and blood vessels of the brain, the occurrence of lung cancer and the reduction in life on average by 5-20 years. And, of course, smoking cigarettes is aging the body, the skin loses its elasticity and elasticity, smokers look much older than their non-smoking peers. By the way, women's dependence on smoking tobacco is much stronger than men's, so it's often easier for a man to part with a cigarette.

Despite all the extremely negative side effects of nicotine, toxic tobacco resins and carcinogens on the body, and even attempts to fully realize the harm of smoking, habit, being, in fact, a mental dependence, is much stronger than the desire to quit, and therefore the process of giving up cigarettes can last for years. In addition, interfering with the metabolism, nicotine quickly causes physical dependence, and it becomes necessary to your body in the same way as oxygen. That is why the habit of smoking tobacco can be safely associated with drug dependence, and quite confidently call it a disease.

In addition to all the symptoms of addiction and poisoning with nicotine, the harm of smoking is also manifested in the fact that the very cessation of smoking will be extremely painful. At avid smokers, a real drug addiction is possible, with a change in body temperature, vomiting and loss of consciousness. And those for whom 2 or even 3 packs a day - this is the norm, those who wake up at night 3 of what they want to smoke and can not sleep without taking a dose of nicotine, themselves are unlikely to be able to quit smoking. There is already a need for a hospital, where withdrawal will take place under the supervision of doctors, in order to avoid a rare, but possible death. It can occur if the body does not have time to rebuild the metabolism in time. Such cases sometimes occur in people who use heroin for a long time and throw themselves sharply on their own.

Currently, there are a sufficient number of drugs, medications, bandages, chewing gums and even coding methods that assure a person that smoking cessation will occur almost instantaneously, for which he will only need to take a pill, paste a band-aid or attend a hypnosis session . But the whole hitch is that one tablet (or even a course of treatment) can not have the proper effect on a smoker if he does not want to quit smoking himself. After all, it is the fully realized desire of a person to part with a bad habit and all the horror that causes harm to smoking, and it gives an incentive for successful cure of tobacco dependence.

Some believe that a gradual refusal to smoke tobacco (by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day or switching to weaker cigarettes) is most effective and the harm of smoking will be correspondingly less. Let me argue with this statement and prove to you the opposite. Passing to the weaker brands of cigarettes, or by reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day, during the next break the person instinctively tries to take longer to tighten (to last for a long time), as a result - harmful substances penetrate even deeper into the lungs, and it turns out that their dosage on the very it does not decrease at all. To really stop smoking tobacco can only one who is able to collect all his will into a fist, and decide for himself to give up cigarettes once and for all.

Harm to smoking. Give up cigarettes in 30 days!

Probably, you will ask - why the refusal of tobacco smoking should occur within 30 days? The thing is that these 30 days should be divided into 2 conditional periods: acute and "postoperative." The sharpest and most critical period is the first 2 weeks, when the harm of smoking is manifested in the fact that the body requires nicotine, to which it is so used, and reason prohibits. It is at the expense of this struggle that disruptions in the mood of a person occur, the susceptibility to stress increases, headaches start, it sometimes throws up in the heat in the cold, and sometimes podtashnivaet. And if the dependence is strong, then the breaking will be unbearable.

The most dangerous during this period are the first 3 days. After all, people are used to counting a cigarette as their rescuer during stress and nervous shocks - supposedly it reduces these very stresses. Indeed, for some time there is a mental relaxation, but the harm of smoking manifests itself in the result that nicotine addiction arises, and with each stressful situation a person, trying to calm himself, smokes more and more cigarettes. In the "postoperative" period - the next 2 weeks, when the craving for smoking is already going away - it is important not to break, so that "treatment" was successful. Thus, 30 days is enough to stop experiencing an acute craving for tobacco and learn how to cope with the desire to smoke.

In order to part with a cigarette, you need to go through 2 main stages - preparatory and basic. The preparatory stage is necessary for the moral preparation of quitting tobacco. The morale of a smoker is important here. For a more effective attitude, you can recommend reading various articles about the damage done to your body and the consequences of this harm. It is important to develop a negative attitude toward smoking cigarettes. For example, you can put cigarette butts in a jar of water and "enjoy" their appearance and aromas for several days and imagine that this is exactly what happens in your lungs. After such psychological executions should choose the day of the final refusal to smoke tobacco. It should be as calm as possible, not involving nervous situations, conflicts and stresses. It is desirable that this is a day off.

After the preparatory stage comes the most important - the main stage. How to conduct it - everyone should decide for themselves, but this is the period of the first two most difficult weeks of treatment. At this stage, it is important to exclude everything related to smoking cigarettes - cigarette lighters, cigarette packs, ashtrays, even for a few days to give up coffee. It is advisable for some time not to contact smokers, walk in the fresh air more and take vitamins.

In the period of the main refusal of smoking, many people are afraid to recover. It's the purest myth that after you quit smoking cigarettes - get fat. Each organism is individual and it is not at all necessary that you get well. You can lose weight on the contrary. Nobody knows in advance how your metabolism will behave after long years of poisoning the body with nicotine and tobacco carcinogens. The fact is that often after you quit smoking, begin to eat more, so, of course, the weight and increases. But is it possible that a couple of kilograms collected at the time of quitting smoking that can be easily dropped in the next month is much more important than the most dangerous harm of smoking than the colossal health threat caused by a bad habit? To this question, every person planning to quit smoking should answer honestly for himself.

After 30 days of self-treatment, you will notice how your health will improve, it will be much easier to breathe, and most importantly - you will begin to doubt when you will be offered to smoke.