Loss of lenses. Contact lenses: pros and cons.

Вред линз. Контактные линзы: за и против.

Loss of lenses. In which case is it manifested? What are the advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses? When is damage to the lens dangerous for the eyesight? How to make a selection of lenses? What are decorative contact lenses? What is the difference between soft and hard contact lenses? What are night contact lenses? What are the rules for wearing contact lenses? When was the first contact lens installed?

Contact lenses

Contact lenses have long ceased to be a curiosity. However, in our country they use less often than glasses. But in vain. Despite the fact that some small damage to the lens exists, contact lenses are much more convenient to use and have several significant advantages.

Elena (25 years old) switched to soft contact lenses two years ago and, in general, did not feel any particular damage to the lenses. Previously, the girl wore glasses. "With glasses, it was not always convenient for me." In the heat, the glasses slipped to the tip of the nose, pressed against the ears and the bridge of the nose. "The inconvenience arose in the rain," says the girl. "But the hardest part was in the winter. Every time I went into the room from the frost , glass instantly sweated. " After Elena broke the third pair of glasses, she decided to try contact lenses and turned to the ophthalmologist. After a thorough examination, the doctor picked up her soft contact lenses from a special material - hydrogel. The damage of lenses made of such a material is almost invisible. "I'm used to them almost immediately and do not feel any discomfort," Elena shares her feelings. "On the contrary, there are significant advantages." The girl was convinced that contact lenses, unlike glasses, do not become covered with perspiration, do not restrict the viewing angle and do not distort the image. "I feel very free, I can see well and I'm not afraid that the lenses will fall and be scratched," the girl says. "Yes, and at the wheel of the car it became much more comfortable."

Indeed, contact lenses "win", in comparison with the glasses. Hardly their main advantage is their natural vision. In addition, contact lenses do not distort the image, open a full viewing angle, do not become sweated when the temperature changes in winter and do not have "dead zones". In this their significant advantages, and the damage of lenses is practically absent.

Decorative contact lenses

Decorative contact lenses make it possible to strengthen or radically change the color of the eyes. They are more needed for beauty than for vision. These contact lenses are worn in disco clubs, at proms or to be photographed on a foreign passport and when traveling abroad. By the way, in France, prefer green lenses, in Spain - curry, in England - yellow. The choice of decorative contact lenses is very large, and damage to lenses of this type is not available when properly used. If you want - with a red light, you want - a zebra or a shimmering in the ultraviolet. Correctly selected contact lens well "sits" on the eye and moves with it. Therefore, a person feels at ease and comfortable. The risk of "blink" or lose the contact lens in sudden movement or slope - is minimal.

Modern soft contact lenses are made of hydrogel - a substance that absorbs a certain amount of moisture. They are very elastic, do not cause inconvenience and are not noticeable on the eye. At the same time, damage to the lens is minimal. The probability of loss or displacement in them is scanty. In addition, it happens that glasses prevent the use of personal protective equipment: masks, spacesuits, helmets. Then without contact lenses can not do. The list of such professions has long been defined in the United States. One employee is suitable glasses, others - contact lenses or laser vision correction. Unfortunately, we do not have such an approach yet. But there is a need for it.

Hard and soft contact lenses

Depending on the material, there are two types of contact lenses - rigid and soft. Each species has its own characteristics. So, hard contact lenses are more mobile and durable. However, their selection is somewhat more complicated, and the adaptation period lasts longer.

Hard contact lenses are prescribed for certain diseases. For example, when a person has keratoconus. Then the cornea of ​​the eye changes its shape to a conical one. By the way, this disease occurs quite often. Rigid contact lenses are also prescribed with a high degree of myopia, astigmatism, irregular corneal shape. Points in such cases are ineffective.

"One of the patients with a high degree of keratoconus did not want to wear hard contact lenses," says the doctor. "So he had to buy new glasses every few months due to a change in their formulation." When the man was going to travel abroad, the ophthalmologist picked up his hard contact lenses. He felt all the advantages, and did not want to go back to the points.

"With the help of contact lenses, almost all defects in the optical system can be corrected," the medic continues. - In particular, the consequences of injuries, surgeries, albinism (congenital defect, when there is not enough pigment and the eye glows red), scars, changes in shade or eye color. "

Recently, on an appointment with an ophthalmologist, my mother brought a nine-year-old boy. After examining a small patient, the doctor picked up his hard contact lenses. Four years ago with the child there was an accident - the boy was injured by the nail with his right eye. At the site of the injury there was a scar. For several years he wore glasses. However, they do not completely correct the defect: the child's left eye sees well, and the right eye has problems. As a result of the injury, the boy changed the shape of the cornea. In this case, only a rigid contact lens is suitable. It is difficult to get used to hard contact lenses, especially if it is on one eye. But if there is no other way out, and most importantly - the child has a desire, the process of adaptation is easier than for adults.

The so-called quarterly lenses are leading from soft contact lenses. For the duration of wearing such lenses are divided into one-day, two-week, quarterly and annual. About 70% of our fellow citizens, who are suitable soft contact lenses, prefer quarterly. They must be changed every three months.

Another thing - Western European countries, where, despite the incomes, "leading" two-week contact lenses. It is desirable to remove the lenses at night. However, in life there are different situations: long vacation, business trip, childbirth, rest in the mountains, when there are no necessary conditions for hygiene. In such cases, special silicone-hydrogel contact lenses will work. They can be used in continuous mode, i. E. not removing for the night. The maximum period is 30 days. If there are any problems with contact lenses, the doctor should be contacted immediately, and not try to solve them yourself.

How to choose the correct lens

Buy contact lenses should be in the designated place. They can not be purchased under the scheme: came-bought-went. A selection of contact lenses by a qualified specialist is mandatory. Trying and assessing the position on the eye, as well as further possible even dispensary observation of the patient.

For colds contact lenses should be removed. In some cases, wear contact lenses - both hard and soft can not, otherwise damage to the lens can be significant. So, from lenses it is better to refuse at chronic inflammatory diseases: an inflammation of a cornea - a keratitis or an inflammation of an iris - a uveitis.

Another contraindication, in which the lenses cut in can make themselves felt - an insufficient amount of tear fluid. To determine this, ophthalmologists are conducting a test - insert special strips into the eyes, which after five minutes are damped down to a certain number of millimeters. If the tear fluid in humans is not enough, but in contact lenses is an urgent need, they are added moisturizing means that contain artificial tears.

If a person has a runny nose and fever, it is better to wait for recovery and not wear a lens for the period of illness. If this is neglected, the damage to the lens can manifest itself in that the inflammatory process can occur directly in the eye.

As for age, age is not a contraindication to the use of contact lenses. They, if necessary, are prescribed even to infants.

To soft contact lenses get used faster. The main thing when choosing contact lenses is a thorough examination of the patient and an individual approach. We must take into account everything: the material from which the lenses are made, the type of activity of the patient, his wishes, and, of course, the structure of the eye. Selection of contact lenses is preceded by a complete examination. An ophthalmologist examines the visual acuity and refractive power of the eye, measures intraocular pressure, studies the structures of the organ of vision and its bottom, and measures the parameters of the cornea in order to establish the parameters of the contact lens. But that is not all. To determine whether the patient is suitable for soft contact lenses, enough from 15 minutes to half an hour - explains the ophthalmologist. Hard contact lenses are selected longer. In Soviet times this could take up to two weeks. Now we are trying to keep within a day or two: selection, manufacturing of contact lenses and installation. After 10 days - for a follow-up inspection.

A person wearing contact lenses must adhere to all the conditions that the doctor pays attention to during the first selection, namely, not to neglect the rules of hygiene and to make a timely replacement. No problems then with them will not be and damage to the lenses, as such, will not be felt at all.

Night contact lenses

Instead of surgery - night contact lenses. Daytime contact lenses are used to correct vision defects, and nighttime - for therapeutic purposes. Today, hard night contact lenses are often used from a special material - paragon - to treat mild to moderate myopia in children. The child wears them only for the night. After a month of use, he is selected for wearing.

It all depends on the features of the cornea: some patients wear them every night, others - every two or three nights. The main effect of this therapy is to restrain the progression of myopia in childhood without surgery. As a result of this procedure, the shape of the cornea changes, the child sees with his eye. After a month and a half, the desired effect is achieved. This is one hundred percent vision and lack of nearsightedness.

Rules for wearing contact lenses

  • Contact lenses should be stored in special containers (a new pair of lenses - a new container, if desired - a frequent replacement).
  • Before touching contact lenses, you should wash your hands.
  • Do not exceed the permissible period of contact lens wear (8-14 hours per day) otherwise the damage to the lens can easily manifest itself.
  • Every time a person puts on a lens, you need to change the physical. solution.
  • When you put on contact lenses, be careful with the use of hairspray, deodorants and perfume in aerosol containers.
  • If you have caught a cold or suffer from seasonal allergies, it's better to temporarily replace the lenses with glasses, otherwise the damage to the lenses will not take long.
  • If you are constantly in a smoking room, contact lenses can change color and lose their properties.
  • Choose quality cosmetics: mascara should not crumble, and podvodka - spread, otherwise if you get on the lens to them and your eyes can be harmed.
  • If you have sensitive eyes, use hypoallergenic cosmetics or special cosmetics for carriers of contact lenses. First, wear the lens, then do the make-up, first remove the lens, then remove the make-up.
  • If you take a shower, do not put your face under the water flow: contact lenses can "swim".
  • If you go to the sea, do not dive with your eyes open. Salt sea water can change the structure of contact lenses, and they can "wash".

It is interesting that the first contact lens was glass. It was established in 1887 to a patient with distant eyelids. "Steklyshko" served him more than 20 years.